On 24 May 2019, in the Cotton House in Gdynia, the deliberations of the 78th Ordinary Reporting -Electing General Assembly of Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association were held.
The General Assembly endorsed the Report of the Board of Directors on their activity in 2018, the financial statement for 2018, discharged the Board of Directors of their duties in 2018 as well as accepted the budget for 2019.
The outgoing President of the Gdynia Cotton Association Mr. Artur Gacek summarized his two terms of office and thanked everyone for a fruitful co-operation.
78th Ordinary Reporting-Electing General Assembly of the Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association elected new authorities of the Association.
The following persons were elected to the Board of Directors of 2019-2021 term of office:
Iwona Frydrych Vice President
Wojciech Bubrowski Vice President
Tomasz Drozd Member
Artur Gacek Member
Anna Garnys Member
Jacek Jakubiak Member
Ignacy Józkowicz Member
Czesław Madejski Member
Marek Radwański Member
Jacek Rutkowski Member
The following persons were elected to the Auditing Committee of 2019-2021 term of office:
Leszek Kilanowski Chairman
Anna Kicińka-Jakubowska Member
Benoit Gaujard Member
In the Directive Resolution of the 78th Ordinary Reporting-Electing General Assembly of Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association, new strategic objectives and values which the Association will be realising during the coming years were defined. Besides the statutory tasks, the GCA will be strengthening its role as:
- the most important forum in Poland dedicated to cotton, organisation joining companies which manufacture and trade in cotton and cotton-like products;
- an organisation which addresses its informative, analytical, and educational activities mainly to the Polish textile-clothing industry, in order to identify and analyse market changes as well as problems encountered by that sector;
- organisation promoting cotton and cotton products as well as new technologies which contribute to innovativeness and competitiveness of Polish textile industry;
- professional corporation having our own Court of Arbitration – active since 1938 – which can settle technical and quality disputes arising on the ground of sale-purchase contracts for raw materials, semi-products and ready-made textile and clothing products;
- organisation carrying out training connected with textile raw materials and semi-products, technologies, certification, or trading rules, and supporting programmes of restoration of basic vocational schools and secondary technical schools for textile industry.