The deliberations of the 83rd Ordinary Reporting – Electing General Assembly of the Gdynia Cotton Association Members were held in the Witrażowa Hall in the Castle Jan III Sobieski in Rzucewo near Puck on the 2nd of June, 2023.

The General Assembly approved the Annual Report of the GCA Management Board on the activity of the Gdynia Cotton Association for the period 01 January – 31 December 2022, as well as the financial report for 2022 and approved the budget for 2023.
Furthermore, the General Assembly discharged the outgoing Board of Directors of realisations of their duties in the reporting period 01.01 2022 – 31.12.2022.
All the gathered at the General Assembly thanked for the commitment and social work for Gdynia Cotton Association to Professor Iwona Frydrych ending four year period of chairing the Board of Directors of the GCA.

During the Assembly the election to the GCA authorities were held and according to their results the following persons became respectively the members of:
The Board of Directors of the GCA for the period 2023 – 2025:
Ignacy Józkowicz | President | Manufaktura AEGALLERY Agata Józkowicz |
Iwona Frydrych | Vice – President | Cotton House Jakubiak Spółka Jawna |
Marek Radwański | Vice – President | EKOTEX Sp. z o.o. |
Jerzy Kotwas | Executive Vice President | Director of the Gdynia Cotton Association |
Radosław Dziuba | Member | ŁUKASIEWICZ – Łódzki Instytut Technologiczny |
Anna Garnys | Member | SKALTEX Kaczmarek, Błaszczyk, Sp. J. |
Benoit Gaujard | Member | Przędzalnia Lambrecht Okonek Sp. z o.o. |
Katarzyna Grabowska | Member | Politechnika Łódzka |
Marek Grzywacz | Member | SGS Polska Sp. z o.o. |
Krzysztof Lesik | Member | POLONTEX S.A. |
Renisław Matyja | Member | GALTEX S.A. |
Piotr Zieliński | Member | WISAN S.A. |

The Auditing Committee of the GCA for period 2023 – 2025:
Anna Kicińska-Jakubowska | Chair | Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich |
Ireneusz Chabrowski | Member | Stowarzyszenie Włókienników Polskich |
Mirosław Kiełbasa | Member | Polska Izba Lnu i Konopi |
The 83rd Ordinary Reporting-Electing General Assembly of the Gdynia Cotton Association Members granted the title of the Honorary Member of the Gdynia Cotton Association to:
Mrs Iwona Frydrych,
Mrs. Anna Garnys,
Mrs Katarzyna Święcicka and
Mr Jacek Jakubiak.

83. General Assembly of GCA was accompanied by additional meetings:
on 31st of May – the inaugural meeting of the Honorary Convention, established in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Gdynia Cotton Association (2022), attended by Honorary Members and Members of the Presidium of the Gdynia Cotton Association. The Honorary Convention unanimously elected Mr. Artur Gacek as its Chairman, also authorizing him to vote on all matters included in the agenda of the 83rd General Assembly of Members of the Chamber;
on 01st of June – the last meeting of the Board of Directors and the Auditing Committee of the of the GCA in the 2021-2023 term;
on the 2nd of June – the Open Conference entitled:
Cotton and Natural fibers and Sustainable Development of the Textile Sector