The 14th Joint International Conference CLOTECH 2022 has just been completed – and in the unanimous opinion both participants and guests of the Conference – it was entirely great success. The hybrid event under the title Innovative Materials, Technologies and Testing Techniques for Clothing Improvement was held on 5 – 8 September 2022 in Gdynia. Photo gallery
The Guests of the event were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Gdynia – Mrs Katarzyna Gruszecka-Spychała. – for more information see Gdynia.pl
The Organizers of Clotech ‘2022 : Gdynia Cotton Association, Lodz University of Technology, Poland, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland as well as Technical University in Dresden, Germany
This hybrid event gathered about 80 researchers and experts from all over the world The presentations were divided into several thematic panels and regarded the most promising directions of the sector’s development as well as trends in fashion and designing.
Furthermore, the participants discussed on protective clothes, therapeutic clothing and sportswear, intelligent textiles, mass customization and rapid prototyping as well as clothing modelling, thermal manikins, marketing and competitiveness of textiles in the European market.
Selected thesis will be presented in the Journal “Fibers &Textiles in Eastern Europe”.
Taking opportunity of such an exceptional Assembly (participants and authors of presentations represented 16 countries from all over the world) the Gdynia Cotton Association promoted cotton and other natural fibres using the advertising film about cotton World Cotton Day.
Honorary Patronage of the Conference CLOTECH ’2022 : Mayor of Gdynia – Wojciech Szczurek, Rector of Łódź University of Technology – Professor Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Dean of Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Designs – Professor Katarzyna Grabowska
Sponsors of the Conference CLOTECH ’2022 : MONNARI Trade S.A., ZWOLTEX Spółka z o.o., Łukasiewicz – Łódzki Instytut Technologiczny, DYWILAN S.A. i COTTON HOUSE J. Jakubiak oraz Zakład Włókienniczy BILIŃSKI sp.j. – Sponsors Clotech 2022
More information about the Conference as well as the full programme – see www.clotech.eu