The quota limits for imports originating from China for the 10 categories subject to the Memorandum of Understanding of June 2005 were adapted to take into account the enlargement to Bulgaria and Romania. Increases are in general limited except for categories 7, 20, 39, 115.


NEW 2007 Quota levels for CHINA
Category Unit UE-25 UE-27
2006 2007 2007
Quota Quota usage level Working level used (°) Quota New Quota levels Enlargement impact in %
2 tonnes 61.948 75.25% 83.3% 69.692 70.636 1,4%
4 1000 pieces 540.204 74.51% 84.8% 594.225 595.624 0,2%
8 1000 pieces 189.719 81.62% 99,1% 219.674 220.054 0,2%
6 1000 pieces 338.923 95.72% 97.2% 382.880 388.528 1,5%
7 1000 pieces 80.439 89.72% 98.2% 88.543 90.829 2,6%
20 tonnes 15.795 93.67% 82.0% 17.770 18.518 4,2%
26 1000 pieces 27.001 71.94% 97.9% 29.701 29.736 0,1%
31 1000 pieces 219.882 92.96% 93.7% 248.261 250.209 0,8%
39 tonnes 12.349 86.52% 63.3% 13.892 14.862 7,0%
115 tonnes 4.740 52.81% 98.2% 5.214 5.347 2,6%
(°) : working levels include 2005 remaining quotas and advanced use of 2007 quota

Source: Regulation 54/2007 O.J. L18/2007

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