VII International Uzbek Cotton & Textile Fair

VII International Uzbek Cotton & Textile Fair

Tashkent, October 12 – 13, 2011

The Cotton & Textile Fair and the Conference organized by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.will be held on October 12-13, 2011 in Tashkent. There is no participation fee.

In case of your interest we kindly request you to fill in the attached registration form and return before 1st October 2011 to the :

Organizing Committee of the Cotton Fair

Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments

and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Address: 107, Mustakillik avenue, 100077, Tashkent

Phone: (998-71) 238-54-88, 238-54-26,238-54-27, Fax: (998-71) 238-54-58



< registration form>   RegForm_eng.doc – Pobierz plik


If you need visa support please go to the following link,  fill in the visa application blank, print, scan and re-send to Organising Committee as soon as possible:

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