On 30 October 2012, the official delegation of the Gdynia Cotton Association paid the visit to the China Cotton Association (CCA) office in Beijing and it had the meeting with the CCA Secretary General Madame Gao Fang.
The Polish delegation was headed by The Counsellor-Minister Bolesław Kościukiewicz – Head of the Commercial Department in the Polish Embassy in Beijing. The Gdynia Cotton Association was represented by the President Mr Ignacy Józkowicz, Ph.D. and the member of the GCA Board of Directors – Mr Artur Gacek, president of Polontex S.A. in Częstochowa.
In the course of the meeting, the issues regarding the following topics were discussed:
- actions undertaken by the CCA in order to enhance the recognition of cotton on the consumer market and to create its positive image
- cotton quality testing on the Chinese market, and HVI cotton testing
- Chinese pricing policy regarding cotton as well as activities aimed at increase of cotton consumption on the Chinese market
- forecasts about cotton production trends in China within the nearest 5 years.
Taking that opportunity, the Gdynia Cotton Association introduced the scope of its interests, activities and achievements. The particular attention was paid to the professional Cotton Classification Courses which have been being organised for 50 years now. Their graduates work in recognised trade as well as superintendence companies and in governmental bodies responsible for cotton production, processing and trade, in 28 countries all over the world. Simultaneously, the GCA representatives underlined that as the CICCA members, both the CCA and the GCA have common aims and objectives and the crucial task for both of them is promotion of the principles of the sanctity of contracts and good trading practices.
The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere and Madame Gao Fang has preliminarily accepted the invitation extended by the Polish delegation to visit the Gdynia Cotton Association.