On 21 May 2021, in the conference rooms of the NADMORSKI Hotel in Gdynia, the deliberations of the 80th Ordinary Reporting -Electing General Assembly of Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association were held.
Deliberations of the General Assembly
The General Assembly endorsed the Report of the Board of Directors on their activity in 2020, the financial statement for 2020, discharged the Board of Directors of their duties in 2020 as well as accepted the budget for 2021.
80th Ordinary Reporting-Electing General Assembly of the Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association elected new authorities of the Association and awarded the Title of the Honorary Member of the Gdynia Cotton Association to Mr Leszek Kajetan Kilanowski and Mr Włodzimierz Ziółkowski
Honorary Members and Meritorious Persons of the GCA present at the General Assembly
The following persons were elected to the Board of Directors of 2021-2023 term of office:
Iwona Frydrych | President | Politechnika Łódzka |
Ignacy Józkowicz | Vice-President | Manufaktura AEGALLERY Agata Józkowicz |
Marek Radwański | Vice-President | Ekotex Sp. z o.o. |
Tomasz Drozd | Member | WOLA Sp. z o.o. w restrukturyzacji |
Anna Garnys | Member | SKALTEX Kaczmarek, Błaszczyk Sp. Jawna |
Katarzyna Grabowska | Member | Stowarzyszenie Włókienników Polskich |
Jacek Jakubiak | Member | Cotton House Jakubiak Spółka Jawna |
Krzysztof Lesik | Member | POLONTEX S.A, |
Czesław Madejski | Member | GALIA S.A. |
Renisław Matyja | Member | GALTEX S.A. |
Anna Rusin | Member | TEOFILÓW S.A. |
Marcin Uścinowicz | Member | SAFILIN Sp. z o.o. |
Piotr Zieliński | Member | Fabryka Firanek WISAN S.A. |
Members of the Board of Directors of the 2021-2023 term present at the General Assembly
The following persons were elected to the Auditing Committee of 2021-2023 term of office:
Anna Kicińska- Jakubowska | Chairman | Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich Państwowy Instytut Badawczy |
Marek Grzywacz | Member | SGS Sp. z o.o. |
Mirosław Kiełbasa | Member | Polska Izba Lnu i Konopi |
Conference – Polish Textile Sector – New Technologies, New Opportunities