On 24 June 2020, in the conference hall of the MERCURE Gdynia Centrum Hotel in Gdynia, the deliberations of the 79th Ordinary General Assembly of members of the Gdynia Cotton Association took place. The General Assembly endorsed the Board of Directors’ report on their activity in 2019 and the financial statement for 2019. The 2020 Budget was approved and the Board members were discharged of realisation of their duties within 1 January – 31 December 2019. The General Assembly passed also the resolution on granting the title of the “Honorary Member of the Gdynia Cotton Association” to individuals who distinguished in their work for the GCA. New Honorary Members of the Gdynia Cotton Association: Mr Andrzej Drożdż Mr Artur Gacek Mr Ignacy Józkowicz, Ph. D. Mrs Małgorzata Matusiak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Mr Roman Olszewski, Attorney at Law Mrs Mieczysława Raczyńska Mr Terry Townsend, Ph.D. Mr Karl-Ernst Kober The Directive Resolution of the 79th Ordinary General Assembly of members of the Gdynia Cotton Association was passed too. With respect to the situation spreading all over the world, the Resolution is preceded by the following Preamble. “Since a few months, the whole world is fighting against the health and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemics. We already know that the destructive changes of the conditions in carrying business are not the matter of several months, but several years rather, and the dramatic dropdown of turnover in the textile-clothing industry causes that companies – GCA members – have since March 2020 focused mainly on the activities crucial for their survival, on retaining financial liquidity and on maintaining the level of employment. The pandemics has also forced a considerable limitation of the GCA activity, disabling or making difficult realisation of many objectives and tasks – such as organisation of meetings, training, conferences, and other events of our industry. It has also directly affected the GCA revenues. In this difficult situation we try to support our members by means of presenting opinions and propositions referring to financial and organisational aid solutions, and by means of disseminating current information on the condition of Polish and global cotton and textile-clothing sectors. The last year’s Directive Resolution passed by the 78th General Assembly of GCA members and based on the long-term new Strategy of GCA Activity – approved by the Board of Directors on 24 May 2019, covered the issues, the realisation of which will take longer than one year. This year’s Directive Resolution, besides the recommendations following from all current issues, continues realisation of the objectives and tasks established by this Strategy.”