In 2014, results of production of Polish textile and clothing branches until now appear to be very good for textile manufactures but not so good for apparel producers. In the case of many categories of textile products, impressive, long-time awaited increase of production took place.
Within 10 months of 2014, among the most important textile categories, the increase was noted in almost all of them, when compared to the same period of 2013. Very high increase was noted by manufactures of terry fabrics (+58%), carpets (26%), and flax yarn (+18%). Increase of production of cotton fabrics is very pleasing (for the first time since a long time) and of fabrics made from synthetic yarns – by more than 10%.
Among the most important apparel categories, the increase of production was noted in five of them. The greatest increase was noted by manufacturers of ladies’ coats and jackets (+20%) and ladies’ jackets (+7%). After drops in 2013, manufacture of hosiery and knitted apparel has been recovering (+6%). Decrease in the manufactured volumes was suffered in the case of six categories of clothes, whereas the greatest one was noted in ladies’ suites and ladies’ apparel sets (-15%).
Data from the Central Statistical Office, encompassing the period of January – October 2014, show that the average employment in textiles manufacture increased by ca. 1 thousand, and at the end of October it was 41 thousand. Average employment in clothes manufacture decreased by ca. 1 thousand, and at the end of October it was 73 thousand.
In Polish textile branch, 10 months of 2014 have brought significant, 9% increase of the production sold (PLN 8428,9 mln) when compared to the same period of 2013. This result would have been still better, if there had been no drop in sales in August.
Polish apparel manufacturers have had no increase of sales and within the discussed period, the value of sold production of the apparel branch was PLN 5793,4 mln, so, it decreased by ca. 1%.
Within 10 months of 2014, a great increase of investments has taken place in both branches. When compared to the same period of 2013, the investments in the textile branch increased by ca. 63% (PLN 223,9 mln), and in the apparel branch – by over 57% (PLN 79,9 mln).
In the first half of 2014, the total value of imports of textiles and apparel to Poland was EUR 3,528 bln – out of which EUR 1,889 bln is for imports of textiles and EUR 1,639 bln is for imports of clothes.
Within the same period, the total value of exports of textiles and apparel to Poland was EUR 2,594 bln – out of which EUR 1,008 bln is for exports of textiles, and EUR 1,586 bln – for exports of clothes.
These data indicate that the advantageous trend of decreasing Polish deficit in foreign trade of textiles and clothes continues. It started last year and it is due to the exports rising a little faster than imports. Most probably, in the whole 2014, the value of clothes exports will balance the value of imports, whereas the value of textiles export will be ca. 55% of the value of textiles imports.