New leaders of the Texitle Institute in Manchester

Katie Greenyer, for 22 years Creative Talent and Network Director of Pentland Brands, has been appointed World President of The Textile Institute with which the Gdynia Cotton Association cooperates under the mutual membership. K. Greenyer recently opened the 91st Textile Institute World Conference in Leeds.
The new President is very enthusiastic about her new role underlining that the Textile Institute offers a solid foundation of industry knowledge and techniques which are crucial for any budding designer. She also began her career as a freelance designer for several top brands, including Red or Dead and Vivienne Westwood.
At the same time Helen Rowe was appointed as Chairman of the Council. She is a Chartered Textile Technologist and began her career at Courtaulds, before spending 34 years in Higher Education. She is a Fellow and a Companion of The Textile Institute, kindly dedicating 45 years of her life to institute activities.

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