On 23 January 2015., Ministry of Economy has organized a series of meetings of entrepreneurs and representatives of selected sectors of the economy (trade and distribution, chemical and cosmetic industry, metallurgical industry and automotive industry, textiles and clothing, leather and furniture industries, trade and distribution) with EU Commissioner E. Bieńkowska and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy J. Piechocińskim.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss the major challenges and problems faced by entrepreneurs in the EU Single Market, and most of all to identify the main issues of competence of the Commissioner Bieńkowska as Commissioner to supervise the case of the Single Market and Services, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs in the European Union.
The meeting, as part of the panel: textile and clothing, leather and furniture as well as retail and distribution sector also attended entrepreneurs whose companies are organized in the House of Gdynia Cotton Association:
Artur Gacek, president and principal shareholder POLONTEX SA, Czestochowa, a shareholder of several other companies of the textile industry, the President of the Employers’ Association of Textile Industry, member of the Management Board of the Gdynia Cotton Association;
Radosław Klinowski – Commercial Director, ANDROPOL SA, Andrychów;
Jacek Jakubiak, co-owner of Cotton House Jakubiak sj, Lodz, member of the Management Board of the Gdynia Cotton Association;
Jerzy Kotwas, Director of home textiles, Sharda Europe, Pabianice, member of the Board in Gdynia Cotton Association, former President of the CICC (Committee for International Co-operation Between Cotton Associations).
Prepared material fits into the theme of the meeting Fri. “The reconstruction of the textile and clothing industry and jobs in the European Union”, in which, among other things formulated conclusions and questions for the Commissioner E. Bieńkowska. This study was sent before the meeting to the Ministry of Economy.