The EU-China Standards Information Platform , in the form of a website, funded mainly by the EU and the EFTA, has been officially launched. Information on the Platform is in both English and Chinese and is provided to users free of charge. European companies can now browse Chinese national standards and industrial standards in the database in English.

The website address is: . The textiles and clothing sector is currently NOT included in the Platform, or in the current sector expansion plan of the Platform. On 4 November 2009, a Steering Committee Meeting of the Platform will be held in Beijing to discuss the future of the Platform and the expansion of sectors. It is necessary, that our sector must voice our wish to the Steering Committee in order to benefit from the Platform. Therefore, members who have offices in China should to send a representative to the meeting. Invitation for the meeting will be provided on the website of the Sustainable Development Association who is the implementing party of the Platform:

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